Author: Carlos

Categories Festival 2022

2022 Travel Information

By Bus Please also note that this year Vesper Lane will be closed to through traffic. Where possible PLEASE try to use public transport, it’ll help to make your day run smoothly. From Bramley: 38, 49 and 91, alight at Kirkstall Leisure Centre and walk along to the Abbey (5 mins). From Hawksworth: 50 & 50A travel along Morris Lane. Alight opposite Abbey Walk and walk down the hill past the Abbey House Museum (2 mins). From Headingley: 91, alights on Kirkstall Lane opposite Kirkstall Leisure Centre and walk along to the Abbey (5 mins). From city: buses 33, 34 and A1…

Categories Festival 2022

2022 Facilities

Cash Points Most stalls will be cash only. There is no cash point on-site, the nearest ATM is at Morrisons Supermarket on Savins Mill Way. First Aid The First Aid tent is close to the pelican crossing entrance, any official with a radio can call a first-aider. Information Point The Information Point is located behind the Visitor Centre. Refreshments A wide range of refreshments and food will be available for purchase on site, including a bar, tea tent, a selection of street food vendors. Toilets Toilets are located around the site, specifically near the Fairground, behind the Beer Tent and near the entrance to the Bowling Green….

Categories Festival 2022


The Festival parade will be leaving Hesketh Road at 11 am (NOTEthis is an hour earlier than previous years) to arrive at the Abbey byby 12 noon via the following 1.2 mile route (1.4 miles for thosestarting from the back). Please take time to watch the parade supported by local schoolsand groups. To take part please be at Hesketh Road by 10:30 amPROMPT !! Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Categories Festival 2022Stalls

2022 Stall Applications

Stall bookings for 2022 are now CLOSED PLEASE NOTE catering enquiries should be made directly to for further information about catering opportunities and Catering booking – do not use the stalls booking form. We’re back! Following a break in 2020 and a small event in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are hoping to run a near full festival this year. As usual the safety of all of our visitors, the many stallholders and other participants is paramount. You must arrive early to set up your stalls and we encourage use of the free car park just across the road. Please follow…

Categories Festival 2021

Final Line-up and Tickets

Saturday is sold out, but there are still a few tickets available for the Sunday sessions. Please see Tickets will be priced at £2 per adult (with a 30p booking fee). Children under 11 will be free. Saturday 10th July 2021 – 10am to 2pm This session features Phoenix Concert Band, Otley Ukulele Orchestra, and Music From The Attic, along with buskers around the grounds. Saturday 10th July 2021 – 3pm to 7pm Leeds Youth Jazz Rock Orchestra take the lead with Cragg Hill Blues Band and Music From the Attic to follow. During this session no one will…

Categories Festival 2021

Kirkstall Mini-Festival is coming soon

Preparations are underway, performers and stallholders are getting ready, and volunteers are making bunting and washing their face masks. Everyone is excited.It’s worth remembering the changes we’ve put in place for 2021. This will be a smaller event by far aimed at families and closely following Covid guidelines. There will be about 30 stalls, some food and soft drinks on sale, children’s games and live music. Music From The Attic will be the Festival headliners for all four sessions, and there will be some regular performers. As the event will take place within the railings of Kirkstall Abbey and the…

Categories Festival 2021

Mini-Festival lineup

This year Kirkstall Mini-Festival will be a little different to a normal year. There will be performance and stalls, though there’s limited numbers and visitors need to buy tickets. While the Festival is always family-friendly, this year the focus will be on providing entertainment and games for children. Within the Abbey itself we will have games, stalls, and food. No alcohol will be on sale and no alcohol will be allowed to be brought on site. There’s four different sessions and visitors might be wondering what makes them different. The following is provisional and may change before the Festival: Saturday…

Categories Festival 2021

Tickets for 2021 Mini Kirkstall Festival

Due to our not being able to have our usual one day Kirkstall Festival we have organised a Mini Kirkstall Festival which will take place over two days – Saturday 10th July and Sunday 11th July. A smaller event by far aimed at families and closely following Covid guidelines. We’ll have about 30 stalls, some food and soft drinks on sale, children’s games and live music. Parking is available on the playing field next to the Abbey Museum Car Par, NO vehicles are allowed within the Abbey grounds.  NO ALCOHOL WILL BE ON SALE AND NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED TO BE BROUGHT INTO…

Categories Festival 2021News

Kirkstall mini-Festival 2021

Having not been able to hold what would have been our 40th annual festival last year due to the Covid Pandemic we have decided to have this year a Mini Kirkstall Festival, as usual for the benefit of children and families. We have to strictly adhere to Covid restrictions and guidelines hence this year will be on a far smaller scale. We will have approx. 30 stalls, live music, some food, tea, coffee, soft drinks and children’s games. Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions NO ALCOHOL WILL BE ON SALE AND NO ALCOHOL WILL BE ALLOWED TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE…

Categories GardensVirtual Festival 2020

Virtual Gardens – deadline extended

Many of us have turned to our gardens this year, no matter what size of garden you have, or maybe a balcony or pots on the street we are celebrating the Gardens of Kirkstall a part of our Virtual Festival we want to help you celebrate you garden or favourite flowers you’ve grown so we are having a bit of a competition. Please send your pictures and the first part of you postcode, eg. LS5 to closing date extended to 31st August. Entries already received can be reviewed on our Festival Website here. We also invite you to submit…