Mother of the Revolution

April 28th, 2024 | Posted by Carlos in Events | History | Kirkstall Forge
Mother of the Revolution Poster

Mother of the Revolution is an Arts Council England funded folk musical telling the story of Leeds Industrialist Betty Beecroft, Kirkstall Forge and it’s people. Betty Beecroft, was an extraordinary women born in Otley who in the 1770’s convinced her family to take on the lease for the then ailing Kirkstall Forge.

Betty became it’s manager and under her stewardship the Forge flourished into a catalyst of the industrial revolution. Kirkstall Forge stayed within the Beecroft/Butler Family for 200 years and was pivotal to the lives of the community neighbouring it.

Betty was always one of the forgotten women of Leeds whose story was not told alongside those of the male industrialists who also shaped our city. However, we are delighted that her story is now reaching a new generation – particularly the fabulous Beth Knight from Archipelago who was so inspired that she has created this original show – telling Betty’s story. CEG is very pleased to be supporting it’s schools and community outreach programme including the community choir, schools engagement and our Forging Futures learners will be helping to build the set.

mother of the revolution – archipelago (

Mother of the Revolution will be performed at Armley Industrial Museum from 2nd May to 5th May or 9th May to 12th May. Performances from 6.30pm to 8pm.

Tickets are now available (please come along!) Get your tickets here:…/mother-of-the…/e-qadkqd

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