Sunday 9th February 11-12, Kirkstall Valley Development Trust, St Stephen’s Church Hall, Norman Street, LS5.

Following requests for a public meeting to discuss the future of Abbey House Museum, the Kirkstall Councillors have organised this for the above date and time. The meeting will be chaired by Alderman Liz Minkin.
Whilst Sunday is an unusual time for a public meeting, the date and time was set around the availability of Alderman Minkin, the Cllrs and the venue in the week before the Executive Board meeting on Wednesday 12th February where the council budget for 2025-26 will be discussed. Also, following the fantastic attendance at the demonstration last Saturday; it is apparent that weekends may be easier for people to attend than weekday evenings.
As well as Cllrs, we hope to have council officers from Museums and Galleries at the meeting and will confirm this nearer the time.
We look forward to the opportunity to discuss the future of Abbey House Museum with you and to hear your ideas.
If you have questions you wish to be answered at the meeting, it would be helpful if you could submit these in advance, so we can have as much info as people want with us. Please email
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