Statement from the Board of the Kirkstall Neighbourhood Forum Group.

We are writing with an update on the Artisan situation.
Despite their silence on this point during the public consultation, Artisan now claim that their proposed development on the former Tesco site is non-viable, so they want to be “let off” the whole of their greenspace contribution and about half of their affordable housing provision.
The District Valuer has reviewed Artisan’s claims and offers them qualified support, but he apparently objects to the publication of his own report, so we are unable to properly challenge his conclusions or discuss them with the public. He also warns that there are other things that Artisan could claim for, so it is entirely possible that the Artisan scheme might yield no public benefit whatsoever.
There is the clearest possible government guidance that the District Valuer’s report is a public document. This impasse is wasting everybody’s time and makes a mockery of the Council naming the Kirkstall Neighbourhood Forum as an official consultee on Kirkstall planning applications.
How can the Kirkstall Neighbourhood Forum possibly function as a consultee if it’s members can’t see the relevant paperwork.
Most of the public have no idea what is happening and they are unaware that the scheme that Artisan advertised last Spring can not meet key performance targets.
Artisan are pushing for a rapid decision by the Plans Panel.