Please submit your Community First funding bids

October 19th, 2012 | Posted by Simon Dawson in Kirkstall Community First | Our Community

Hopefully you will be aware of the Community First funding that we have received for the Kirkstall council ward. We have been awarded over £67,000 by the Community Development Foundation to help fund projects over the next four years. If you have an idea for a community-based project and require £250 to £2500 in order to make it a reality we can help.

All you need to do is download the application form, fill it in and email it to

The funding you are applying for needs to be matched funded. This means that if you have received £1000 in funds from other sources (excluding the council) you can apply for up to £1000 from the Community First fund. However, if you have no other funding but are using volunteer time to do the project work you can count this as matched funded at £11.09 an hour. So if you had 5 volunteers donating 20 hours of their time you could apply for up to £1109 (5 * 20 = 100 hours, multiplied by £11.09)

There are a few guidelines that we would like to make clear to ensure that there is no holdup in your application:

– the project must take place inside the Kirkstall council ward (a map of the boundary of the Kirkstall Ward can be found in the Kirkstall Vision document)

– your application must be for a specific project with clear goals and benefits to local people

– you must clearly state how the bid will be matched funded

– the bid must be for £250-£2500 and must include details of how the funding will be used

It is a great opportunity for local groups of any size (be it neighbours, community groups, clubs) to fulfil some project work that they feel is important to their community, the funding is here ready for you. Please note the next deadline for applications is 31st October and then 31st January.


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